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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


At Banana High school grass grew on the chalkboard.
The cause of it was a cigarette end which a boy dumped on the chalkboard.
So Smokey Sausage the headmaster, caught him and caned him across a lamp shade on the window.
After he got caned by the headmaster the boy was tied up with wire and plugged into the mains. he got such an electric shock that he turned into a cucumber. The cucumber then flew around the classroom spitting nuts and bolts at the teacher who was as strict as a lump of  fried chalk.

Annoyed by the cucumber the teacher Brian Smoke opened his head, took out his brain and threw it at the cucumber. the cucumber retaliated by biting the teacher's egg basket, causing him to jump out of the window and up to the sun.

The sun didn't want the teacher  so it ordered the galaxy to get rid of him.
the galaxy grabbed hold of the teacher and sent him spinning into outer space.
In the end the teacher  laid eggs and out hatched baby teachers.
The teacher had his nest outside thee Universe.

The baby teachers had to be fed sums to keep them alive until they were old enough to fly away.
When they were old enough the baby teachers set up a bus station where they taught babies to drive buses in Outer Space.
there were trams running from the moon to Saturnia, sister of the planet Saturn.
Saturn had seven brothers and 95 sisters.

Other things that happened in Space included lamp posts that sailed around the Earth.

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